What % of population is required to bring about a change?

So what's the minimum number of people required from a population to bring about a change? Most of the people may say "At least 50% or slightly more than 50%". If you also thought so then you are in for a surprise.

According to a research, it takes only 11% of the total population to stand up to bring about ANY change. Yes, just 11%. They studied all the major changes in the world, all the major revolutions and then arrived at this figure. They found that if at least 11% of population is in favor of something then the rest of it is more inclined to adopt the change.

Isn't that a pleasant surprise? We often want to change some thing but don't move ahead because we are afraid that the majority may not be with us. So, the good news is we don't really require a majority. We just need 11% of like-minded people and once we get them and move ahead properly we can see the change happening very quickly.

According to a survey, 48% of Indian population is with team Anna for the Jan Lokpal Bill. Cheers!


  1. Sounds very interesting. I looked up for the research, but didn't find any. Could you please cite the source of this information? - for I wish to understand in detail the algorithm behind this conclusion.

  2. @Darshan: Thanks for dropping by! Have a look at this video by Marriane Williamson: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03N2irkKOho&feature=youtube_gdata_player

    ‎"Are you part of the 11%?". It makes sense because if you think about it, every new trend, dramatic change or revolution was always spearheaded by just a handful of people. The majority of the world's population are just followers... The ones who lead and make a difference are the 11%. Let me know what you think of the video! :)


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